Are there any common interests that all teenagers share?

In this video, I want to share three strategies for staying connected that parents can rely on when common interests are missing. But before we begin, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of your teenager for a moment.

Are there any common interests that all teenagers share?

In this video, I want to share three strategies for staying connected that parents can rely on when common interests are missing. But before we begin, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of your teenager for a moment. Your teen may not be bothered by your differences in the same way that you are. They may have always wanted to roll their eyes and laugh at your silly clothes.

Those differences are, in and of themselves, what memories of youth are made of. Friendships between teens tend to be based on personal similarity, acceptance and sharing. Same-sex friendships are more common during the early years of high school. As they grow older, many teens also become friends of the opposite sex.

For example, teens can change their behavior, appearance, or interests to show that they belong to a certain group of friends.

Stephen Arnaldo
Stephen Arnaldo

Devoted musicaholic. Evil tv fanatic. Proud internet practitioner. Total music evangelist. Avid bacon fanatic.

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