Are there any ways to help teens balance their interests and activities with other responsibilities in life such as school, work, etc?

Learning and mastering the skills needed to get organized, stay focused, and work to the end will help teens in just about everything they do. However, this is not often taught explicitly in high school, so teens can benefit from parental guidance with organizational and time management skills.

Are there any ways to help teens balance their interests and activities with other responsibilities in life such as school, work, etc?

Learning and mastering the skills needed to get organized, stay focused, and work to the end will help teens in just about everything they do. However, this is not often taught explicitly in high school, so teens can benefit from parental guidance with organizational and time management skills. Hobbies create safe areas of independence and self-determination and can help your child socialize with peers who share their interests. Let them decide how and where they will participate in them.

They may have hobbies and interests that involve a level of risk. Learning to take risks safely is healthy.

Stephen Arnaldo
Stephen Arnaldo

Devoted musicaholic. Evil tv fanatic. Proud internet practitioner. Total music evangelist. Avid bacon fanatic.

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