Are there any ways to help teens stay motivated when it comes to pursuing their interests and activities?

Celebrate their unique strengths and encourage them to see that working hard is fun and. Say positive things to your teens as often as you can.

Are there any ways to help teens stay motivated when it comes to pursuing their interests and activities?

Celebrate their unique strengths and encourage them to see that working hard is fun and. Say positive things to your teens as often as you can. Celebrate their unique strengths and encourage them to see that hard work is fun and rewarding. Encourage them to try lots of different activities, with no strings attached.

Trying something new is a great learning experience, especially if it takes you out of your comfort zone. Talk to your teen about things they like to do or things they've wanted to try. When do they feel most engaged and excited? What do they gravitate toward? What skills and interests have you seen them demonstrate? Examine what activities are available at your school or in your area and identify two or three that might spark your interest. These personal goals and interests are a fantastic way to motivate your teen to excel in all areas of life, so include them in family routines as much as possible.

Stephen Arnaldo
Stephen Arnaldo

Devoted musicaholic. Evil tv fanatic. Proud internet practitioner. Total music evangelist. Avid bacon fanatic.

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