How do teenagers spend their money?

While food has consistently dominated teens' spending habits for nearly a decade, clothing now reigns as the top shopping priority for teens. As with anything in life, having a plan is a good starting point.

How do teenagers spend their money?

While food has consistently dominated teens' spending habits for nearly a decade, clothing now reigns as the top shopping priority for teens. As with anything in life, having a plan is a good starting point. Write down all the sources of income you have, excluding allowances or money you receive from your parents, and then write down your expenses. This allows you to manage your cash flow responsibly.

Banking 101: a guide for teens (and for anyone who needs a refresher). Since deposits are automatic, they can help a teen save without much effort, making it one of the best investments for teens. Read on to learn what teens are spending money on these days, what teens could save on, and more.

Stephen Arnaldo
Stephen Arnaldo

Devoted musicaholic. Evil tv fanatic. Proud internet practitioner. Total music evangelist. Avid bacon fanatic.

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