How have teenage interests been influenced by technology and social media?

But unlike radio and television, the hyperconnected nature of social networks does. Social networks and other media can positively influence the behavior and attitudes of preteens and adolescents.

How have teenage interests been influenced by technology and social media?

But unlike radio and television, the hyperconnected nature of social networks does. Social networks and other media can positively influence the behavior and attitudes of preteens and adolescents. However, the impact of social media on young people can also be significantly harmful to mental health. In particular, social media and adolescent depression are closely related.

In addition, the excessive use of apps exposes teens to cyberbullying, body image problems and addiction to technology, and causes them to spend less time on healthy activities in the real world. And while most parents think they know what their children are posting on social media, according to a Pew Research survey, a survey of teenagers revealed that 70 percent of them hide their online behavior from their parents.

Stephen Arnaldo
Stephen Arnaldo

Devoted musicaholic. Evil tv fanatic. Proud internet practitioner. Total music evangelist. Avid bacon fanatic.

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